If your customers are mindlessly scrolling, not really paying attention, is it even possible to market your business on social and get people to buy?

Creative words of wisdom
Marcjon Nimmo
December 19, 2023
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I listened to a very interesting chat today, a man sat down with his wife and decided they would delete their social apps.

Brave move, but as I listened I thought woah… I need to delete my social apps!

My first hurdle. I’m a business owner, my business is on social, my business needs to be on social!

Yes, it does, however, it doesn’t need to be me doing it. Someone in the business can do this. Tick!

If I have to be on social for my business, should I just have the business apps and remove your personal pages? 100%

My next issue was, will my partner go for this? My gut told me no.

She lives on social. However, this is also out of my control. Social is an addiction after all. We will park this hurdle for the time being 🤣

As his story unfolded, no social media made sense.

👆 Higher productivity in his business

👁 More focus on things that mattered

🙏 More appreciation for the here and now

but most of all

❤️ A better connection with the people around him, obviously, the main person being his wife.

To me, stepping away from social seems like a positive. To most, it seems impossible. This then got me thinking about people’s addiction to social media.

Aaaaaaand back to my missus.

When I asked her “would you delete your mobile apps”

She said “no”,

Then her follow-up was “I don’t have a computer to access it, so my phone is the only way”,

Fair, but I kept going when I asked “why do you need it?”

I got “To check my FB and Insta”

When I said, “check what?”

I got “I don’t know?” and that answer led me to this post.

If your customers are mindlessly scrolling, not really paying attention, and subconsciously being bombarded by the white noise of ‘friends perfect life choices’ and 'sell, sell, sell' marketing content, is it even possible to market your business on these platforms and get people buying?

I’d say for some, like product-based businesses (cosmetics and fashion), they are reasonably safe-ish, you will see an ROI from social media marketing efforts.

However, what about service-based businesses?

Are people buying services through social media channels? Or are people just feeding their addiction and blindly scrolling through your well-crafted marketing efforts?

I don’t think people are buying services and I DO think it’s down to this social addiction.In a world of social addicts, how do we get them to stop scrolling when that’s what we've been programmed to do?

The wild theory

I have a wild theory and I will be putting it to the test. Will my business scale with traditional marketing?

Now, I’m not saying nim creative is removing itself from social. We will still very much be present.

I will focus my energy on the traditional marketing methods, networking, in-person catchups, direct email comms, and maybe even a bit of old-school Direct Mail - remember those?

Then I will measure the success rate against our social stuff.

If there’s anyone out there who would like to discuss different ways for brands to cut through social addiction I’d be keen to chat.

This is a super interesting topic for me and I'd love to get other people's opinions.

Direct Mail definition (nim’s definition): Beautifully crafted creative solutions that allow your audience to physically interact with your brand

I listened to a very interesting chat today, a man sat down with his wife and decided they would delete their social apps.

Brave move, but as I listened I thought woah… I need to delete my social apps!

My first hurdle. I’m a business owner, my business is on social, my business needs to be on social!

Yes, it does, however, it doesn’t need to be me doing it. Someone in the business can do this. Tick!

If I have to be on social for my business, should I just have the business apps and remove your personal pages? 100%

My next issue was, will my partner go for this? My gut told me no.

She lives on social. However, this is also out of my control. Social is an addiction after all. We will park this hurdle for the time being 🤣

As his story unfolded, no social media made sense.

👆 Higher productivity in his business

👁 More focus on things that mattered

🙏 More appreciation for the here and now

but most of all

❤️ A better connection with the people around him, obviously, the main person being his wife.

To me, stepping away from social seems like a positive. To most, it seems impossible. This then got me thinking about people’s addiction to social media.

Aaaaaaand back to my missus.

When I asked her “would you delete your mobile apps”

She said “no”,

Then her follow-up was “I don’t have a computer to access it, so my phone is the only way”,

Fair, but I kept going when I asked “why do you need it?”

I got “To check my FB and Insta”

When I said, “check what?”

I got “I don’t know?” and that answer led me to this post.

If your customers are mindlessly scrolling, not really paying attention, and subconsciously being bombarded by the white noise of ‘friends perfect life choices’ and 'sell, sell, sell' marketing content, is it even possible to market your business on these platforms and get people buying?

I’d say for some, like product-based businesses (cosmetics and fashion), they are reasonably safe-ish, you will see an ROI from social media marketing efforts.

However, what about service-based businesses?

Are people buying services through social media channels? Or are people just feeding their addiction and blindly scrolling through your well-crafted marketing efforts?

I don’t think people are buying services and I DO think it’s down to this social addiction.In a world of social addicts, how do we get them to stop scrolling when that’s what we've been programmed to do?

The wild theory

I have a wild theory and I will be putting it to the test. Will my business scale with traditional marketing?

Now, I’m not saying nim creative is removing itself from social. We will still very much be present.

I will focus my energy on the traditional marketing methods, networking, in-person catchups, direct email comms, and maybe even a bit of old-school Direct Mail - remember those?

Then I will measure the success rate against our social stuff.

If there’s anyone out there who would like to discuss different ways for brands to cut through social addiction I’d be keen to chat.

This is a super interesting topic for me and I'd love to get other people's opinions.

Direct Mail definition (nim’s definition): Beautifully crafted creative solutions that allow your audience to physically interact with your brand

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