Workshop stories: Why is my past important?

“What’s that got to do with you?” or “How does this affect the future of our business?”.

Creative words of wisdom
Marcjon Nimmo
December 19, 2023
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Why is my past important?

When you have been in the game as long as some and a youngish chap walks into your meeting room and starts asking you “what values did your parents teach you?” it’s a perfectly acceptable response to say “What’s that got to do with you?” or “How does this affect the future of our business?”. You don’t know this youngish chap well enough to start opening up like this. You don’t open up at the best of times.

If this sounds a little like you, please just take a minute to stop shouting and start answering. 

This happened at one of our Brand Workshops and as a youngish chap I had to take a deep breath, listen to what was being said and figure out how I could articulate the benefits to this particular question without offending, or overstepping. After all, I’m quite fond of my head and I didn’t want it swiftly removed from my shoulders. 

What could I possibly do to calm the situation?… 

I busted out a very expensive bottle of whiskey – a favourite of the word-hurlers and began telling him that my mu always she “don’t you ever turn up to an occasion empty handed”.

What values did you get taught as a kid? Open doors for ladies… help others… challenge yourself daily… and the all time favourite – which has definitely been lost in translation in this day and age #generationrant – respect your elders. Now think about how often you adhere to these values on a daily basis, without even thinking about it. 

What if your business instilled a collection of values that your workforce lived by and implemented on the daily! Power. What if your workforce instilled these values into new team members? This is power that would grow your business far beyond anyones imagination.

Why is my past important?

When you have been in the game as long as some and a youngish chap walks into your meeting room and starts asking you “what values did your parents teach you?” it’s a perfectly acceptable response to say “What’s that got to do with you?” or “How does this affect the future of our business?”. You don’t know this youngish chap well enough to start opening up like this. You don’t open up at the best of times.

If this sounds a little like you, please just take a minute to stop shouting and start answering. 

This happened at one of our Brand Workshops and as a youngish chap I had to take a deep breath, listen to what was being said and figure out how I could articulate the benefits to this particular question without offending, or overstepping. After all, I’m quite fond of my head and I didn’t want it swiftly removed from my shoulders. 

What could I possibly do to calm the situation?… 

I busted out a very expensive bottle of whiskey – a favourite of the word-hurlers and began telling him that my mu always she “don’t you ever turn up to an occasion empty handed”.

What values did you get taught as a kid? Open doors for ladies… help others… challenge yourself daily… and the all time favourite – which has definitely been lost in translation in this day and age #generationrant – respect your elders. Now think about how often you adhere to these values on a daily basis, without even thinking about it. 

What if your business instilled a collection of values that your workforce lived by and implemented on the daily! Power. What if your workforce instilled these values into new team members? This is power that would grow your business far beyond anyones imagination.

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"A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!"

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